About the method

About the method

The stem aestheticTM preparations use an effective mixture of substances by which human stem cells activate regeneration processes where they are needed.
The active ingredient in stem aesthetic lineTM is human stem cell extract (hMSC) - stem essenceTM

hMSCs occur naturally in human skin:

  • ensure normal skin function
  • play a key role in wound healing and skin regeneration
  • restore the functionality of damaged or dying structures in the skin and suppress or reduce the formation of scars
  • increase the formation of intercellular mass molecules by skin cells
  • prevent loss of elasticity and signs of skin aging

With age, there is a significant decrease in the number and activity of hMSC and therefore it is essential for a successful therapeutic effect to reverse this process! However, cell therapy has a number of limitations :

  • Limited availability and yield of materials (bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord tissue)
  • Cell viability
  • Heterogeneity among donors
  • Risk of immune response
  • Post-implant stability → limited duration of action

To solve this fundamental obstacle, we apply the "CELL-FREE" approach, where we isolate only active substances from stem cells, which allows us to eliminate most of these limitations.

We isolate cell-free nanoparticles, which are extracellular lipid nanovesicles - exosomes. The effects of exosomes are comparable to those of hMSC alone. Exosomes carry the properties and features of source cells (hMSC).


Subsequently, through this process we obtain the basic active substance of the preparations the stem essenceTM:

  • exosomes
  • growth factors
  • cytokines
  • chemokines
  • enzymes
  • peptides
  • proteins
  • essential amino acids
  • vitamins
  • proteins
  • sugars